Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew




CSS Day 2022



Interop 2022

For the first time ever, all major browser vendors, and other stakeholders, have come together to solve the top browsers compatibility issues identified by web developers. Interop 2022 will improve the experience of developing for the web in 15 key areas. In this talk, you’ll find out how we got here, what the project focuses on, how success will be measured, and how you can track progress.

Slides of the presentationPresentation Video

Rachel Andrew




CSS Day 2019 + UI Special



Refactoring (the way we talk about) CSS

Rachel Andrew has been writing CSS for 20 years, and teaching people the things she has learned for almost as long. Since the early days of CSS, and certainly since "CSS for Layout" became a thing, we've been teaching CSS in pretty much the same way. Here is a block thing, here is an inline thing, this is the Box Model ... and here is this weird jumping through hoops that makes a layout. It's time for a change. In this talk Rachel will explain how, in the last few years, CSS has been refactored to an extent that to really explain how CSS works we need to change the way we teach and talk about the language. We need to look again at what it is to learn CSS. We need to leave our old ideas behind. It is only when we do, that we will stop supporting the idea that CSS is the fragile, broken, quirky language that its detractors would like to believe.

Slides of the presentationPresentation Video

Rachel Andrew




CSS Day 2017 + Browser API Special



What I discovered about layout via CSS Grid

CSS Grid Layout finally lands in browsers in 2017, after over five years of specification and browser development. For some of us, we may quickly find 80% of our users have support for the spec. For others, we can take advantage of Grid in a progressively enhanced way - leaning on CSS Feature Queries to detect support. Grid enables a whole range of layout possibilities, both in terms of streamlining existing patterns and in creating new design possibilities for the web. This is a talk about Grid Layout, and the previously impossible tasks that grid makes possible. However it is also a talk about what it is to do CSS layout in 2017. I’ll be sharing the things I’ve learned about layout, as I’ve learned about Grid. Passing on the key lessons that can help you really take advantage of what has shipped in browsers already, and the things that are to come.

Slides of the presentationPresentation Video

Rachel Andrew




CSS Day 2015



CSS Grid Layout

Since the early days of the web, designers have been trying to lay out web pages using grid systems. Likewise, almost every CSS framework attempts to implement some kind of grid system, using floats and often leaning on preprocessors. The CSS Grid Layout module brings us a native CSS Grid system for the first time—a grid system that does not rely on document source order, and can create complex layouts which are easily redefined with media queries. Following along with practical examples, you’ll learn how Grid works, and how it can be used to implement modern layouts and responsive designs.

Slides of the presentationPresentation Video